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Hi! Welcome to my website! My name is... [[R.E.D.A.C.T.E.D]] but you can call me Darkflame75 Or Bubbs. your choice. I like animation such as stop motion or 2D digital animation! and my hobbies include: 3D modeling, sewing, clay sculptures, pixel art, gaming, 3D printing, HTML coding, cooking, and I do SOME music composition but not much. but I just moved houses so I had to give up sewing becuase I didnt have enough room for sewing fabrics.

Random updates:

Hey! its june! and we are halfway in 2024 By some maricle. I finally finished terraria and beat up moon lord, I have now obtained endgame items! (zenith, DCU, rod of harmony, ETC.) ...And I guess its summer now! is this a good thing? No! You ever wanted to go on a walk but you couldn't becuase it was 86 degrees and all the middle schoolers were free? yeah! thats just what summer is! It's so bad I would melt if I was out for more then 30 minut- OH NO WHAT DO I DO NOW IM GONNA- (darkflame75 has now melted) summer...

As far as plans for summer goes I dont have ton going on. I'm going to try to go roller skating throughout the summer so I can get better at it. But I am going to go to six flags with some friends in late July! I've only been to six flags Two times but I highly reccomend it! They have rides for adults and children alike! And the food is decently good! as well as prizes they give out. My favriote ride was the wonder woman ride. but I do horribly on roller coasters so the wonder woman ride was A nice break, and I went on it four times last summer! but other then that I dont have alot planned other then a beach trip or two. Actually A funny story, I went with my family To six flags for the first time, and we decided not to buy food inside of the park and instead eat at home afterwards, but by the time it was over we were all so hungry, like starving, that we had to stop at a local bojangles becuase we all felt like we would puke If we didn't eat. the second time around I ate at the park. Anyways If i talk any longer then this will turn into a book so I'm afraid I must depart, happy pride month! or whatever :P (not really into that) and... bye!

but, here are some links to keep you entertained! This will take you to my shrine This will take you to my about me page
Among Us - Red Crewmate