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Hi! welcome to my about-me page! this page is still under construction so please be patient with this goofy goober. thanks!


Hi! Welcome to my website! My name is... [[R.E.D.A.C.T.E.D]] but you can call me Darkflame75 Or Bubbs. your choice. I like animating, video games, and coding as my main hobbies. although recently I've been getting into roller skating and 3D printing. I must say i'm getting better at roller skating and im starting to compete in speed races but, I'm still learning. my favorite Video games include: deltarune, the portal series, terraria, and the kirby series, but more on those at my videogame shrine. there is a whole horde of stupid games I play and like :D . but the reason i made this website and started to code in general was only becuase at the time a friend of mine made a website and I thought that was so cool, so i started coding and.... it was very hmm... messy, if you go back to the hub and click on O.G site, then you will start to see what i am talking about. and over time I have gotten better with HTML and CSS, if you want to start coding then the best peice of advice I have is using this website called W3 SCHOOLS, it teaches HTML, Javascript, CSS, and more stuff for game developing like it can teach C#, I'm not sponsered becuase... well how do you sponsor a little HTML website like this? with Ads? nah thats for the big boys. but I've also heard that the neocities website is good for HTML and CSS tutorials, But i never used it. I also plan to learn the game engine GODOT eventually. which may.. never end up happening.... :P . Don't ever ask me about music becuase I only listen to video game music, AND YES. video game music is REAL music. and if you ask me about good movies then most of the ones I like will be animated. Becuase I like animation. some good titles are:

and I guess the Mario movie is good but it doesn't hold up too well for me. Plot issues. anways, thanks for coming to my ted-talk I would apprecaite if you considered following me and... thanks! :D